Presbytery Prayer Calendar
We invite you to join us in praying for a particular congregation, committee, and validated ministry within Eastminster Presbytery each week in 2025 that God may bless their ministry and that the grace of Jesus Christ might shine through them.
March 2 - Committee on Ministry, RE Carol Gesacion
March 9 - Committee on Nominations & Representation, TE Larry Bowald
March 16 - Committee on Preparation for Ministry, RE Ruth Cole & TE Kori Robbins
March 23 - Covenant Presbyterian Church, TE David Black
March 30 - Eastminster Presbytery & Synod of the Covenant Staff
Presbyterian Youth Triennium (PYT) 2025
Calling All Youth who are entering freshmen through graduated seniors in high school!
Eastminster Presbytery, the Resource Committee, and Erika are excited to share this opportunity with our young folks! Person of contact is Erika Carcelli, the Eastminster Presbytery Triennium Registrar, (330) 757-1547 x105 or
On-line Remittances
Submit Per Capita, Mission, Special Offering, Presbytery Meeting Offering, etc. by clicking on the green Payment Portal Button or scanning the QR Code. If using for the first time, you will need to create an account. Please list church name and address rather than personal information.
Mobile Gift-Giving - The Presbyterian Foundation collaborates with Vanco Payment Solutions for Presbytery's online giving services and now you can access the app, Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement. for submitting remittances/gifts. Presbytery meeting offering gifts can now be made quickly from your smart phone
Visit the Apple Store or Android Play Store search for Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement. Use code YNXEXD or search for Eastminster Presbytery (Youngstown, OH). You will see Jeffersonville, IN as the location, this is the address for the Presbyterian Foundation and is what you want to see. Click on the Give button and follow instructions, It's that simple!
PER CAPITA = $33.00
$10.84 General Assembly PCUSA
$3.40 Synod of the Covenant
$18.76 Eastminster Presbytery
Standard Mileage Rate
Business: 70 cents per mile (up 3 cents from 2024)
In service of charitable organizations: 14 cents per mile
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Eastminster Presbytery is a regional governing body of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) located in Northeast Ohio; and is part of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and Synod of the Covenant.