Administrative Ministry Committee (AMC)
To fulfill the trustee function of the Presbytery and act as its legal representative in accordance with the Book of Order and state and federal laws; and to facilitate the Presbytery’s practices and policies related to persons employed by the Presbytery.
Check out the Resource Page HERE and scroll down to the Financial section for various documents.
Diane Eliser, Treasurer
Advisory Members
TE Barry Chance, General Presbyter & Stated Clerk
RE John Pogue, Assistant Treasurer
Receiving, holding, encumbering, managing, and transferring property, real or personal, subject to the direction and authority of Presbytery. a. Accepting and executing deeds of title to such property. b. Holding and defending title to such property. c. Receiving and recommending to the Presbytery any requested action for the acquisition, disposal, encumbrance or leasing of the real property of any particular church. (G-4.0206) Coordinating with the Committee on Ministry the purchase or sale of manses.
Reviewing the budget expenditures regularly and reporting these to the Council as a Financial Report.
Reporting to the Presbytery annually the assets and financial status of the Presbytery. A full financial review of all financial books and records shall be conducted every year by a public accountant or committee of members versed in accounting procedures. Reviewers should not be related to the treasurer(s). Terminology in this section is meant to provide general guidance and is not intended to require or not require specific audit procedures or practices as understood within the professional accounting community. G-3.0113
Reviewing and maintaining the adequacy of the insurance for all Presbytery owned and managed property; Receiving and reviewing the status of incorporation, property deeds, insurance coverage and annual financial reviews of all the Presbytery’s congregations; Reviewing and reporting the status of all mortgages and loans of particular congregations and the Presbytery.
Implementing and overseeing all provisions of the Personnel Policies of the Presbytery; Reviewing annually the work of all Presbytery staff and the Stated Clerk