Committee on Ministry (COM)
Meets Third Thursday of the Month, 6:00 p.m. by Zoom
To serve as a resource to teaching elders, commissioned ruling elders, and certified Christian educators of the Presbytery; to facilitate the relations between the Presbytery and its congregations, teaching elders, commissioned ruling elders, and certified Christian educators; and to settle differences on behalf of the Presbytery when possible.
Search Process Checklist (when a pastor leaves)
Pulpit Supply List (Rev. 10-24)
TE Barry Chance, General Presbyter & Stated Clerk
Staff Resource
Diane Eliser, Associate for Administration (Recording Clerk)
Communicating with Teaching Elders, Ruling Elders and Sessions.
Aiding in the Placement of Teaching Elders
Nurturing Teaching Elders
Special Authority When necessary between meetings of the Presbytery, the Committee on Ministry has the authority to:
Find in order calls issued by churches.
Approve and present calls for the services of teaching elders
Approve the examination of teaching elders transferring from other Presbyteries for membership.
Dissolve the pastoral relationship in cases where the teaching elder and congregation concur, and dismiss teaching elders to other Presbyteries.